The thought just occurred to me that I could dig up a pink bunny outfit similar to that of Ralphy in "A Christmas Story" and take a photo of Evan for the sole purpose of this blog post. After all isn't that what moms with blogs do...take photos and while taking them construct their next blog post in their head....well, if you won't admit it, I will. I do that. I take pictures and get excited about putting them up and typing out a post. That's why I started a blog in the first place. Anyway, back to the original point of this paragraph, I will save Evan the future humiliation of a photo wherein he dons a pink bunny suit, and, thankfully for him, he does not have a crazy aunt that will make him one for least not that I can foresee.
Okay, to the purpose of this post. Evan never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever stops moving. I am not sure from where he gets his energy. If I had his energy I would be a size 4, simple as that. He is either moving around doing something, or sleeping. Even when he eats if music comes on the television he starts to "dance" in his booster seat. It is just amazing. I remember when I found out that we were having a little boy, people would always make remarks as to the energy level of the munchkin-aged male species, and I would basically blow them off and think "thanks for sharing." Not sure why I had that level of arrogance. After all, what did I know, I had yet to actually encounter this behavior. (And let me just note, that no level of babysitting whatsoever can prepare you for this level of energy).
There is the commercial currently on TV, I have absolutely no idea what they are selling so if it is something completely inappropriate I apologize, but the commentator makes a statement similar to this: A body at rest tends to stay at rest, while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Evan is proof positive of this statement. If i didn't already know the statement to be true, all I would have to do is look at Evan.
Though I am exhausted at 8:30 when Evan goes down to bed, and I still have a list of things to do, I am so very thankful for my healthy, energetic, constantly in motion Love Bug. He is such a blessing in my life and, hey, maybe him combined with my trainer will get me down to that size 4....we shall see.
In order to curb this energy level as best I can, I make an effort to take Evan to the park or the arboretum a couple times a week and just let him run (there are no toys at either of these places, and this in on purpose-seems heartless, but I really don't need tempt fate with ER visits just yet). And he does run, and run, and run, and run. We chase each other and laugh, and stop for just brief moments to check out something interesting. So, i have posted pics from a couple of these excursions....enjoy!
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